We talk about working to make social change a reality, but where does one start? First, there is the light-bulb moment. The time when one realizes today is the day, now is the time to make a difference. The next step is often harder – getting started. Where does one begin? How do you decide which organization to work with? I’ve developed a short list of organizations that should kick start your research into volunteer work. And if you have any other ideas, or suggestions, please add them in the comments! HandsOn Network If you live in New York City , you know them as New York Cares . But did you know that there are actually 250+ affiliates of the HandsOn Network across the U.S. and 11 international locations? Their structure is based on an online model. You must first attend an orientation session in person. Then, you are eligible to volunteer during the day, evenings, or on weekends for organizations serving children, animals, the environment or ad...
A blog published by the (now dissolved) Literacy 'n' Poverty Project